Monday, 9 March 2009

Sisterhood Award - what a honour & surprise

What an honour. My friend and fellow stitch'n'bitcher Pamela of Come Wot May, has bestowed upon me this lovely 'sisterhood' award. She is just like big sister. Always available for a coffee anytime & a chat/gossip & she can always make me laugh if I'm feeling down. Thanks for being a good friend over the years Pam.

Now to the award -The rules connected to the award are:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post - check
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude! - check
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post. - check
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog. - check
5. Share the love and link to the person from whom you received your award. - check

Jan of Oz Comfort Quilts - you deserve this award for all of the wonderful charity quilts you have done for the Victorian Bushfire survivors. Please visit Jan and if you can help Jan out with this huge mission she has taken on, please do so. I know that she appreciates any help.
Margaret - I met Marg a long time ago through our mutual interests of geneology. We both enjoy patchwork & scrapbooking as well.
Cathy of Tinniegirl - I met Cathy years ago through Creative Memories scrapbooking. I happened to stumble across her blog a few months ago. She is somewhat of a craft entrepeneur.
Susan in Stitches - I love reading Susans blog. It is full of wonderful stories of her life in the Victorian countryside, which I can relate to having grown up on a farm in the Victorian Wimmera district.
Curlypops - another very creative lady & I love her tea towel aprons.
Deb of The Angel & the Pukeko - a lovely lady from NZ who I had the joy & fun of a Christmas swap last year.

Now there are several other bloggers that I would also like to pass the award onto, however they have already received it, so I won't double up. However I am going to list them as they are all wonderful ladies that I have had the pleasure & joy of there cyber company. They are Sheila of aubirdwoman, Lindi of Quilty Threads & Sooziii's Hobbies.

Friday, 6 March 2009

Earth Tremor in Melbourne tonight

Tonight around 9:05pm I received a phone call from my BIL to ask if I had felt anything in the last 10 mins. I had but wasn't sure if I had imagined it. He lives close to the city and said that we had just had an earth tremor around 8:55pm. It was apparently stronger closer to the city. I live further out in the SE suburbs and it was just like someone was gently shaking the house for around 10 secs. The Age online reported it at 9:29pm, so my BIL (who happens to work at the Bureau of Meteorology) was correct. He thought that it might measure around 3 on the richter scale.
I've just checked The Age online and at 10:04pm they reported that it measured 4.6 on the richter scale and was felt as far away as Warragul & Leongatha in Gippsland. No damage has been reported, just a lot of rattling windows.
Goodness, Mother Earth has been giving Australia a beating recently with floods, extreme heatwaves, bushfires & now earth tremors. Maybe she is trying to tell us something...treat her better & she'll recipricate.