Thursday, 5 June 2008

Trip to the Country

I recently spent four days in Horsham attending my niece's 21st birthday party. It was also my mums 79th birthday, so I got to spend some time with her as well. I cleaned some of my mum's windows as a birthday present, which she said was better than any present I could have bought her. Now she can keep an eye on the comings & goings in the neighbourhood.

While I was at my mum's she brought out a quilt to throw on the bed as the nights are mighty cold up that way. I had totally forgotten about this quilt. It is a shaggy raggy quilt which mum & I made together when she was visiting a couple of years ago. As you can see from the pictures it has an assortment of cotton fabrics on the top and the back was made up of an assortment of chenilles from some old bedspreads. Along with the batting the chenille makes this a very warm snugly quilt.
I also came across this plaque at my mum's house. It was something which as a teenager I made at high school in woodwork & metalwork. From memory it was when I was in Form 1 or 2. Goodness it is that long ago. It did bring back some memories. I also made an egg flip as another project. That I think has long ago been discarded.

My niece Megs who just turned 21, with her current boyfriend & my mum.

Megs with her dad & mum (one of my older sisters), and her three older siblings.

Sisterly love.